Urban Strike by J.T. Smith is a gripping and poignant exploration of life in New York City, as seen through the eyes of Fatima Richardson, a 25-year-old caseworker for the Department of Human Resources. Set in Harlem and Brooklyn, the novel navigates the harsh realities of gentrification, systemic inequality, and the personal struggles of a young Black woman trying to balance her professional duties with her own dreams of escaping the urban grind.

Fatima faces the emotional toll of working in social services, helping clients trapped in cycles of poverty, all while witnessing the displacement of her community due to rising costs and gentrification. At work, she copes with a bureaucratic system that often fails those it serves, while her home life presents its own challenges, including the pressures of caring for her pregnant younger sister and managing her complex relationship with her mother.

Against this backdrop, Fatima finds solace in her relationship with her boyfriend, Andre, a successful real estate developer, though tension brews as he encourages her to leave her stressful job. With themes of identity, resilience, and responsibility, Urban Strike offers an intimate portrayal of the struggles of urban life while highlighting the perseverance of those navigating the complexities of race, gender, and societal expectations.

In a rapidly changing city, Fatima must fight to define her own path amidst the chaos, making Urban Strike a compelling story of survival, hope, and the search for personal fulfillment in a world that seems determined to hold her back.